Saturday, April 26, 2008

a picture is worth a thousand words...but what about video?

my neighbor pounding rice

st pattie's day bush pig

the river gambia, about 2km from my house

propper squatting technique

my best impression of a tourist

julbrew party, my two closests neighbors from my training group

neighbor kids

me and neighbor kid

playing games with neighbor kids

lots of cash; don't worry none of it was mine

a favorite outfit, purchased in country
shirt: 50 cents
pants: $3

swearing in, all the lovely ladies in my batch

public transport. this baby is NICE! and it only
took us 6 hours to go 250 km.

honey, straight from the hive

neem trees are invasive

front page news: PC is not CIA
... also on front page:
"hippo attacts rice field"

my nice clothes

dancing on st pats day. apparently there was a
female circumscission that happened the day before
and so these ladies were around to play drums for us

typical scenery

my dog dixie, she's cute

enjoying a day at the beach. beautiful weather!

fixin to go steal honey from some bees

healthy breakfast of soda and bread in front of
typical bitik (aka corner store)

building rabbit cages

did you know cashew seeds come with fruit
attached?? it's pretty good, but dries your mouth
out really bad


hulag said...

Hi there friend! I am a blog reader from the Philippines. I am happy to found your interesting site. It is really worth visiting.

Bethany Sundstrom-Smith said...

Glad you to see you are doing well :) I like the pics and video. talk to you soon. Bethany

Tisa said...

Hi Alicia,
LOVE YOUR BLOG! We enjoy reading and hearing about your adventures. The videos are great and you look fantastic. I know you have brought your special sunshine to the Gambian people. Know that we love you and we pray for you every day.
Aunt Tisa