Friday, June 20, 2008

on my front porch, cleaining my water filter. the water tower that the water is stored in is old and rusty. that is why the filter is so dirty. but the water is crystal clear and safe to drink once its filtered.

the hottest day i have ever lived through. this is the day the camilians died.

a typical day of me hanging out with the family next door. (one of my three host families)

this is a concoran. they traditionally use leaves and tree bark to dress up, but some have recently started using old rice sacks for the costume.

getting my hair braided. painful, but worth it; they usually last for longer than a week. Everyone in my village loves when i braid my hair, but it is too painful too get done often.

i met up with a couple of other PC friends to do some work in one of their host father's garden. which we had to walk about 1.5km on a bush trail to get to. this was on our way back from the bush.

typical field preperation.

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