Monday, September 7, 2009

the rain makes things green

howdy all. the rains are in full force here, so everything is beautiful and green again. allowing for animals (both domestic and wild) to increase in number. i've seen two snakes this season. one of which i almost ran over on my bike... yikes!
things are winding down work-wise and so i am just trying to enjoy these last couple of months in my village. here are a few fun pics and videos.

my friend tobo resting while i pound.

outskirts of the weekly market

saidou milking the cows. they allow the milk to
sour and eat it with coos.

pounding coos

nene roasting peanuts

mahamadou is in charge of guarding the corn.
he scared away a monkey, but not before it took
a bite out of this ear of corn.

traditional fula bride.

the girl on the right is adjusting her skirt.

my friend fatou. gambians don't like to smile in pictures.

please note the cell phone. just like america, isn't it??

my duck had babies

tobo washing dishes. check out how she rinses the
bottom of the bowl by throwing water in the air.

auntie washing clothes. most women just use

their hands. i have only seen one person using a wash board.

there was a wedding, so these girls are pounding

millet in preparation for all the guests that will be

coming over for the party.

nene preparing roasting peanuts to eat.

cas grinding coffee at my house.

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